Since our last BLOG, we've entered three more art shows for the year. Our crow painting was created specifically for 'The Crow Show' here in California. This show is at the gallery and is also an online showing too, so we'll see if we get accepted into either one of their galleries. Another note-worthy show we've entered is the 11th annual abstract show hosted by TERAVARNA. The abstract painting was a fun canvas that turned out to be an elephant riding in a hot air balloon. We will hopefully have results of the shows sometime in the next several weeks.
Where do we go/grow from here now that our website is up and running? Our plan is to continue to grow our reach to the community and share our artwork and passion for design. We would also like to get involved with community projects here in the SOCAL area, so more to come on that front as there are several opportunities to get involved.
Something on my mind lately when it comes to art is the visual creation of my paintings. I post frequent layer updates for my pieces, but I'm trying to figure out a way to record my sessions while limiting the amount of time it takes me to edit/upload to our social media. So more to come as we roll further in 2024- Hope all is well!